Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New fillings

This post makes up for the 19th I had to go get fillings.I had thought they would hurt when I saw Grey with his mouth wash. He did very well with it, I hope he doesn't get chips in his teeth from a sport.

Grey and I had a fun day at camp together, and to other sport players heres some advice don't get in to fights as often as me.


  1. Bummer about the filling. I had to get one on Monday, but it didn't hurt at all. Glad you and Grey had a fun day at camp!

  2. What's all this about fights? You a goon or a goal scorer?

  3. Were you awake when you made this post? This is totally crazy and all over the place! Fillings, camp, fights? What on earth are you fighting about? Ugh.

  4. Ian had to have a filling too. But he had to have a tooth pulled, which hurt ALOT. He can tell you more if you ask him. Luckily you didn't have to get one pulled!

  5. Wait, wait, wait... chips in teeth from a sport?? Please, no. Not yet. Those teeth are brand new!
