Thursday, June 21, 2012

The back flip

 Today I learned how to do something cool. It was to learn how to do a back flip in the pool. It was so fun I  tried to do a front flip but I failed. I think you should try one. While I'm still talking about the front flip... I  think it's harder than it looks, that's why I want YOU to try it... because it's harder than it looks.

If you want to do a part of a back flip you can do a cartwheel only you have to float on your back and then go under and touch the bottom and then go up.  To do a backflip you have to float on your back, go under and then go the rest of the way forward.  The instructions are simple but it is definitely hard.  And if you liked doing the backflip you could try doing the front flip.  Or if you already know the front flip, try the back flip.

And now to talk about Grey and what he did at swimming today.  For his first time, he put his head underwater and reached to the wall and practiced kicking in our pool.  At camp when I was waiting in the diving board line, I looked over at Grey and he was completely under the water.  And then he popped up when it was my turn to go off the diving board.  I said to myself, "good for him" in my head.  But then I had to think about what I was going to do off the diving board.  I finally decided to just run off the diving board.  I didn't really jump, I just ran straight off!

Most of the time I wasn't really paying attention to the line when I was in it.  I was looking over at Grey and what he was doing.  So I was first for about one minute until someone walked up behind me and said "you've have been standing in line for one minute, can you please go?" and I said, "ok, I'll go quickly".


  1. I saw you doing your backflips in the pool tonight after supper! I can't believe you learned how to do that today! Nice work!

  2. Hi Aeryk
    Its Russell Cole remember me? By the way your days sound verry interesting I enjoy reading about them. Good luck practicing thoes flips !
    Russell Cole

  3. you have to teach me how to do the back flip! sound hard, but if you show me i might be able to do it!

  4. I can do a back flip. My friend Nico and I learned while we were doing handstands int he pool. I might be able to do a front flip too. I'm not sure. Maybe you will learn a front flip one day!

  5. Hi this is Ian. I tried to do a backflip but I landed on my head on a trampoline. It was pretty risky, but I didn't get hurt at least.
